Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Laura Cummins Guest Post - Flash Fiction "Adventure"

Today there's a rare treat, a flash fiction. As I don't write flash fiction generally, you won't find many on my blog. This one was written by Laura Cummins. You can follow her on twitter as @jacsmom. Her blog, Tangled Yarns, is an eclectic mix of flash fiction, book reviews and loads of other interesting things. She recently posted a photographic recipe!

I'm lucky enough to be in a writer's group with Laura and Dani, the second flash fictioner, who is posting tomorrow. The two stories themes run together, so I hope you enjoy them.

I add another log to the fire, the flames dim before slowly engulfing the latest offering. Blessed silence settles in the house. Cocoa steams from my favorite oversized mug. The laptop is charged, ready and waiting on the end table. Grabbing a lap blanket, I stretch out on the chaise, giddy with anticipation as the computer boots up. I never know what will happen.

It’s a trip through a closet of fur coats, or a stumble down a rabbit hole. Only better. The words and the worlds are mine. Mostly. A chorus of voices clamors to lead the quest. Three or four are more insistent than the others. A few key strokes later, and we’re off to see the wizard. Or slay the dragon. Perhaps we’ll save one this time.

My fingers fly as we take the road less traveled and blunder through undiscovered territory. My blanket is abandoned in the excitement. The mug is in need of a refill. Blessed silence sneaks off, defeated by a gleefully clattering keyboard. The last log in the fireplace pops, pulling me back to this world.

My legs are stiff, my back is sore; my arms are heavy from exertion. Writing is an awfully big adventure.

Laura Cummins is a new arrival to the writing scene. Not yet aspiring to be a published author, but toying with the notion. For now she's happy to explore the world of words through flash fic and blogging.


  1. An adventure indeed! I love all the references in here. Great job, Laura!

  2. Thanks! I'm so glad Chris let me come play here!

  3. My pleasure, I loved it. And it fits perfectly with Dani's story, tomorrow.
