Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Idiots on the Loose - a rant

Steampunk World Presents... some fool commented this...

Anonymous said...
One problem - did you have to use the airship with the nazi symbols? Looks like a covert nazi website. Surely you can photoshop that out. Now I am thinking steam punk is some sort of covert nazi society.

Okay, first this is called a swastika, not a Nazi symbol.  Is there a difference?  Well, yes, swastika's have been used since Neolithic times.  They are still used today, mainly in India, but also in many Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

But in the image above it is portrayed as a Nazi symbol.

Did I have to use it?
No, but it was the coolest free image I could find.

Can I photoshop it?
No, because not everyone has photoshop.

Looks like a covert Nazi website.
Umm, why?  The image above shows an airship with a Nazi swastika on it FLEEING New York.  I always had the impression the Nazi's had just had their asses handed to them by the yanks.  Further, if this was a Nazi website why the Hell would it be covert?  Why would I keep things like that secret?

If I was a Nazi, I'd be in your face.  It's where Nazis tend to be.  I'd be registered on a Nazi website directory, like this one.  I'd have pictures of Hitler up.  I'd be going on and on about those Jewish ass-oles.  If I was a Nazi, you would have no doubt of it.  I don't see why Nazi's would keep things secret.  They want to change the world.  What do you want?

  Now I'm thinking
No, you're not.  Your coming on my blog and puking your crud on my screen.  If you were thinking you wouldn't have posted such a stream of idiotic trash and I wouldn't be here impotently wishing for Nazi stomping boots to give you a curb stomp with.

Steampunk is some sort of covert Nazi society
Only because your an idiot!

Monday, 18 January 2010

The Next Stage

I sent an email to my last beta reader yesterday.  I received one back today.  They are finished, and I'll get some info back in a few days.  Which means I know have to do lots of research (I didn't to start because I prefer to concentrate on the story).  So watch this space for links.  Lots of links. 

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Theories in the church

There are those in the steampunk community who dress in 19th century fashions, talk with
19th accents and words, and have the impeccable manners of Victorian aristocracy.  These types of people long for the days of yore when everything in the world was more passionate and extreme than today. 

One of the most extreme things was the attitude of the Christian Church which, in retrospect, seems to have been a bubbling cauldron of thoughts and ideas.  It went into the century old and set in its ways, and came out of the century fractured. 

Yes, fractured.  I can think of nowhere to so adequately describe the splits of thoughts throughout the Church.  Today we're looking at one of these splits: creationism.

Out of the 19th century we have  Young Age Creationism.  This is the idea that life was created sometime after Homer devised both Illiad and Odyssey.  This rubbishes claims of "old age" and says there is a global scientific conspiracy against YAC. 

To which scientists make little reply, claiming only that you don't say bye-bye when you flush the toilet bowl.  Personally I don't know either way, but religion breeds animosity.

On the other side of the fence are the Old Earth Creationists, but this isn't a single theory, it's several.  There's GAP creationism, which thinks that all life was wiped out on an old earth, and the earth was sterilised.  Then 10, 000 years ago God recreated all life.  This viewpoint came out of the Victorian era and was made popular in the 1909 Scofield Reference Bible.

William Buckland, 12 March 1784, 15 August 1856
A member of the Royal Society, twice President of the Geological Society of London, a member of the clergy, find everything you could ever want here.

And I know this post isn't up to my usual standards.  That's kinda tough, I'm still wired for xmas.